Thursday, May 31, 2007

Fahrenheit451- #1 characters

*Who are the main characters in the novel? do you like them? why or why not? what is special about them? what do they reveal about the universal human experience?

-Three main characters in this novel are Montag, Captain Beatty, and Clarisse. Guy Montag is a fire-fighter, who burns books without thinking. At first, he didn't think seriously about books, and just burned books because someone else said him to do so. However, because of Clarisse, he changes his thought and tries hard to find the truth about books. Although he didn't have his own thoughts at first and even felt pleased when he was burning the books, I could easily feel same with him because he is the one who tries to seek the truth while everyone is in confusion. I don't have a lot of courage like him, so if I was him, I would be not able to seek truth as him although I know that things are going in wrong direction. Second character is captain Beatty. He believed that books are dangerous. What made him think that way was the false information from society. Therefore, while I hated him during reading, I felt bad about him because he is just a human being, not a God who can judge everything right in every single situation. Third character is a girl named Clarisse. She loves to read books, and changes Montag's whole life (spirit) by having conversation with him. She has a lots of questions and she is a only person who knows truth in the front part of the novel. However, I couldn't really have same feeling with her while I was reading the book. Firstly, it was quite awkward for her to have conversation with Montag about some antisocial things, although she doesn't know him well. How can she be so confident that Montag will not betray her? Also, her character self and thoughts are too abstract, so I think it doesn't matches well with this dystopian novel, which has to reveal the disgusting(?) and depressing truth.