Friday, June 1, 2007

Fahrenheit451 #6- theme

*what is the major theme of this novel? Why is this theme important to a teenager living in 2007?

-In my opinion, the major theme of this novel is to 'try to seek (or find) the truth'. Since human being is not perfect like the God, they are often blinded by false information and cannot see the truth. Also, not every person has courage to seek the truth. However, we should find it although the process is very hard, because of only one reason that 'truth should be revealed'! In the novel 'Fahrenheit451', almost all characters are blinded by false information and just think that books are dangerous and useless thing. Although a person got used to it and does not even try to find out what the truth is, main character Montag takes courage and tries to find the truth. Although he is very lonely and spends hard time during the process of finding truth, he finally finds out the truth about book and grows up. To teenagers living in 2007, finding truth is very important. Because they believe whatever TV programs or Internet blogs say (or write), they are losing the ability to recognize which is true and which is not. If people cannot trust anything, they start to doubt and blame others and it will cause a lot of confusion. Therefore, I think finding truth and telling difference between true and false is the main theme of this novel.