Friday, June 1, 2007

Fahrenheit451- #5 setting

*Are there any settings in this novel which you have found to be beautiful? or disturbing? or memorable? describe these settings and comment on why they were meaningful to you.

The most disturbing setting in the novel 'Fahrenheit451' was the part where two machines tried to wash out the stomach of Mildred, Montag's wife. She tried to off herself with pills and was fall down in her bed when Montag found out her situation. Two machines even had an 'eye' on it, which made me scared and panic. When machines were starting to wash out the stomach of Mildred, she was no more a human being, but only a "hard stratum of marble". It was disturbing part and it made me panic because I could realize that machines are things that needs to be treated seriously. It is easy and convenient if we use electric machines (such as TV, computer, MP3), and we got used to it very much. However, those machines also have side effects. If a person ignores human being's right and just develop machines and technology, many serious consequences will appear. Everything has positive and negative side, so the person who decides the function should be really careful not to use it in bad way. Therefore, I think the most disturbing setting in the book was the description about Mildred's stomach cleaning.